Stomvi Elite Bb/F/Gb/D copper bass tromboneModel #TB4502-C Lacquered Copper

Technical Specifications:
Bore: 15mm/0,59”
Bell: Copper (241,3mm/9½”)
Valves: Open Wrap
Tuning slide: Square
Leadpipe: Large shank
Slide: Light
Inner slide: Chromed nickel silver
Outer slide: Yellow brass
Finish: Clear lacquered
Mechanism: Minibal
Access to slide stopper with detachable system
Mouthpiece: 2A Classic 

The Elite bass trombone, as the tenor one, has been developed with a traditional concept but building bridges to the innovation that defines our instruments, specially the Titán, the other bass trombone model.

Its principal features are the balance and sound density, easiness and lightness. It is a versatile instrument, ideal not only for students, but also for professionals that are looking for a light and reliable instrument at a very good price.

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