Model #5870 Bellflex / Model #5871 Copper
Technical Specifications:
Bore: XL
Bell: 25 (Bellflex or copper)
Bell diameter: 126 mm
Leadpipe: #3
4th valve Slide G
Trigger on 1st Slide
Titanium trim kit
Finish: silver plated 1000 thousandth
Gold plated finish upon request
"In my role as soloist, I have given the cornet very good use, performing works such as Csardas by Monti or Gipsy Airs by Sarasate, among others. Performing chamber music with cornet and guitar, we have a better harmonic connection so we can now blend much better. We can find a lot of material for cornet and piano to take advantage of the low register and combinations of fingerings using the fourth valve. All these features are perfectly applicable to the C cornet, as well as for the Bb Cornet."
Pacho Flores, Solista Internacional